Supercharge Your Reading: How To Use a Kindle To Read More Books and Remember What You Read

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Tired of buying books you never read?

Most people try setting goals to read one book every month (or week!) and take endless notes.

Spoiler: that never works.

Supercharge Your Reading will show you how to use a Kindle to transform your reading habit in 10 easy steps.

In this (short) book, I'll show you the exact strategies I used to go from buying books that collected dust, to reading 25+ books a year. You'll also become an expert at taking effective notes with a Kindle, and actually remembering things for the long-term.

Written by Maneetpaul Singh, aka "The Kindle YouTuber". With 200+ videos and 3m+ views, he's become the go-to expert on all things related to Kindle.

Here's a list of what's covered in the book:

Step 1: Embrace the Ecosystem
Step 2: Enjoy Instant Gratification
Step 3: Read More than Books
Step 4: Be Competitive
Step 5: Be Sure to Listen
Step 6: Learn New Words
Step 7: Put in a Little Effort
Step 8: Don’t Forget to Review
Step 9: Automate the Process
Step 10: Just Read
Step 11 (Bonus): Let’s Kick Things into OverDrive
Step 12 (Bonus): Join a Book Club
Step 13 (Bonus): Don’t Finish Every Book

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Supercharge Your Reading: How To Use a Kindle To Read More Books and Remember What You Read

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